Doctors Who Don’t Believe in ADHD

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    Doctors trying diagnose an xray.
    Photo by EVG Culture on

    Many doctors still don't believe in ADHD. It is a real disorder that affects millions of people every day and it can be hard to get diagnosed and treated. Don't give up hope though! There are several treatments for the symptoms of ADHD available, including medication and therapy. In this post, we will discuss some treatment options available to those who suffer from the condition so you can get back on track with your life!

    Many ADHD deniers have ADHD themselves

    This is likely the reason why they are not open to treatment options. ADHD symptoms may be intolerable for some of these people, and because their lives revolve around ADHD denial it makes sense that they would seek out ways to cope with ADHD rather than find a solution that allows them to manage ADHD. Unfortunately, without guidance or some structure, the coping mechanisms can be maladaptive.

    Some ADHD deniers are so invested in ADHD denial that they choose to be blind to the facts. Even if their child is diagnosed with ADHD, some parents will continue to deny ADHD symptoms and refuse treatment until it has a significant impact on quality of life or academic performance. It's important for people who don't believe in ADHD to understand that many people who have not been treated, have developed other serious problems in life including drug and alcohol addiction.

    Medical School doesn't teach us about how to make the most of our ADHD lives.

    You can find doctors who know more about ADHD than others that don't believe in it. Do your research, ask around for referrals from friends and family members. Doctors are people too so they have to start somewhere just like you did when you were first diagnosed with ADHD. The doctor that doesn't believe in ADHD isn't going to help much but there's always hope!

    You can also find doctors who specialize in ADHD treatment. This may be the best option for someone with ADHD because they know what treatments work and don't work well together. Your ADHD specialist knows ADHD inside and out. They know how ADHD affects you, your life, and everything about ADHD.

    Your ADHD specialist will be there for you every step of the way because they understand what it's like to have ADHD. It can take a long time sometimes but at least you'll have quality care so that makes going through ADHD treatment a little easier.

    Doctors don't learn much about ADHD in medical school. They have to go through continuing education courses so they can stay up to date on the new ADHD treatments. No one is perfect, not even your doctor! So try not to get too upset if you're dealing with ADHD and he or she doesn't get it.

    You can't treat what you don't know.

    Doctor Who Doesn't Believe in ADHD with a patient.
    Photo by cottonbro on

    The adage applies to ADHD just as much as it does anything else. But if you are a doctor who doesn't believe in ADHD, then you will be unable to diagnose or treat the disorder. You can't help your patient if you don't know what's wrong with them.

    That is why it is so important to find a doctor who believes in ADHD if you are living with the disorder yourself or someone close to you has been diagnosed. The ADHD adult symptoms of untreated adults may be just as severe and detrimental as those of heart disease.

    Luckily for those living with ADHD adult symptoms, there are doctors who specialize in ADHD treatment for adults. As you can imagine, ADHD adult symptoms may make it difficult to diagnose the disorder correctly, which is why ADHD specialist doctor help should be sought out when you feel you are not making progress.

    Many doctors are now being diagnosed with ADHD.

    If they are being diagnosed in this way, then who is treating the patients? While many doctors don’t have experience with ADHD or understand how to treat it, there are some that do. Many of these medical professionals may not believe in ADHD and will tell you that your child does not deserve treatment for their condition. I have a patient that is a retired family practice doctor that I diagnosed at the age of 66. Although he is retired, he had a very different opinion of the disorder than many doctors that I have met who will not treat the patients they don’t believe in.

    Many people do not understand what it feels like to be unable to control your own thoughts and actions because you don't know how to.

    It is not because they don't want to, it's simply that they cannot. Doctors like this one believe in the disorder and with treatment, is achieving things he never thought possible.

    In conclusion, Doctors Who Don't Believe in ADHD.

    Doctors who don't believe in ADHD are a sad part of the healthcare system. They can keep many people from speaking up just by the tone of their voice or the look on their faces. It's important to take your child or yourself seriously and seek treatment for ADHD. Many doctors may not believe in the disorder so much that they refuse to diagnose it, but there are those who do. If you find a doctor who does believe in ADHD symptoms, then great! If not, don't let their opinions dissuade you from finding a doctor who you believe will be able to help.

    There are those out there that do not understand what it feels like to have ADHD and who may refuse to diagnose or treat the disorder, but this is simply because they cannot comprehend how difficult your life must be by having ADHD symptoms. Take your child seriously if he or she has been diagnosed and seek out a doctor who believes in ADHD symptoms.

    Posted in

    Devang Patel

    I am a board certified family physician. I am married and have two beautiful girls. I have ADHD too (hence blog name I was diagnosed with ADHD during my residency training AFTER medical school. Now I want to help others lead more productive lives by giving practical examples and suggestions.

    DISCLAIMER: The content in this blog is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog or on this website.

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